Asia's #1 Digital Marketing Agency

Kickstart your business with our tried & tested PPC marketing

Experts from Installsinfotech scale up your sales in no time.

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#Contact for Custom Campaigns

Beat your competitors by hiring the leading PPC agency

PPC advertising stands for pay-per-click advertising. Essentially, PPC advertising is a model in which advertisers pay each time that one of their ads is clicked. Instead of earning visits to a website through SEO optimization, businesses can choose to deploy PPC advertising and route visits to the website through purchased links. 

Why should you go PPC way?

Top 6 Reasons to choose PPC for exceptional business revenue generation.

  • 01
    More Sales & Revenue
    This is why most clients invest in PPC, to begin with, but continuous campaign improvement and expert tactical management are required to boost click-throughs and conversions over time. Our professional staff of PPC management specialists knows how to accomplish this.
  • 02
    Better Sales and Lead Generation
    Straight North tests every campaign with the goal of reaching an ever more relevant target audience, as well as an ever-larger one. Better-quality click-throughs lead to better sales leads and bigger orders. Through continual refinements in keyword selection, ad messaging, landing page content/design and technical campaign management,
  • 03
    High Campaign ROI
    The impact of more PPC leads and better PPC leads to more sales and better bottom-line results. We earn our fees by producing profitable results for clients.
  • 04
    Outstanding Performance
    We encourage our clients to keep their sales leadership teams wired into our PPC campaigns. This gives client sales departments valuable insight about which products and services are drawing attention, and which offers generate interest. In addition, because we validate PPC inquiries by reading every form and listening to every phone call generated by the campaign, we draw the client’s attention to high-quality leads, empowering them to take action while the leads are still hot.
  • 05
    Expose your Branding
    PPC is an extremely affordable option for extending brand awareness and building brand credibility. During our PPC campaigns, search engine users see the client’s name repeatedly for search queries related to what it sells. Even when no direct or immediate conversion from a PPC ad occurs, the totality of ads in the campaign adds up to an ever-increasing pool of target prospects favorably disposed to do business.
  • 06
    Edge over Competition
    Straight North’s PPC campaigns give our clients visibility over competitors on SERPs (search engine results pages) and prevent competitors from acquiring click-throughs on searches for your branded terms. Although competitor campaigns (campaigns targeting another company’s branded terms) are not a good practice, many companies engage in them, costing reputable companies like yours leads that should be coming to you.

Start Earning More with us

A fully managed Custom PPC campaign is just a click away. Contact us for free review and quotations.

A battle is won only when planning is right

Drive Business Growth with our Strategic PPC Management

  • Search Engine Emphasis.
    Put more effort into Google or Bing, depending on which is generating the lower cost leads.
  • Campaign Emphasis
    Increase budgets on more effective campaigns.
  • Ad Groups
    Put more focus on top-performing ad groups. Regular analysis of campaigns to ward of any non-performing campaign.
  • Focused Keywords
    In-depth keyword research to include high target keywords with minimum budget per click. This ensures you get the most leads with minimum money spent.
  • Targeted Audience
    Target audience based on Age, Location, Sex, or any other parameter relevant to your end product.

Our Key Strengths

We shall give you a few reasons to choose us over others.


Multi Language Support

We enable bots to engage customers across multiple languages by programming translation features. We utilize JSON to provide a well-structured chatbot framework, allowing for conversational intent and context-based translation. This increases user satisfaction, builds loyalty, and promotes proactive communication by engaging with customers in their native language.

Auto Business Process

We offer chatbot support that leverages integrations with Oracle, Amazon, Microsoft, ServiceNow, SAP, and more, improving operational efficiency with self-documenting workflows, audit trails, and intelligent revision tracking capabilities. We provision systems in real-time with dynamic and intelligent queue allocation capabilities.

Superior AI

We develop natural language understanding chatbots that have real conversations with customers. We utilize computational linguistics to provide semantic interpretation of content, allowing systems to learn, analyze, and understand natural human languages.